Topological Matters Blog

Satoshi TANDA

Dept. of Applied Physics,
Hokkaido University
Sapporo 060-8628, Japan
                     Phone: +81-11-706-6154; +81-11-706-6075
                     Fax: +81-11-706-7293 ; +81-11-716-6175
                     Email: tanda(&) ((&)->@)
                     Home Page: Topological Science and Technology Lab.





Profile, C.V.

Invited Talk



Academy Enreiso



”Experiment is the interpreter of nature. Experiments never deceive. It is our judgment that sometimes deceives itself, because it expects results that experiment refuses. We must consult experiment, varying the circumstances, until we have deduced general rules, for experiment alone can furnish reliable rules."

--Leonardo da Vinci

Interplay of real-space topology and momentum-space topology

Quantum Phase Transitions with the change of the internal topology.
Superconductor-Insulator Transitions in (2+1) dimensions
Dynamical Scaling under the parameter of Field, Disorder, and Topology
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in CDW-dynamics
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Topological Defects
(Vortices, Phase Solitons of CDW, Dislocations)

Topological Matter

Discover of NbSe3 Ring, Tube, Disk-Crystals
Discover of New Type Topological Materials
Topological Defects on the Topological Materials
Order Parameter on the Topological Materials
Knot-Crystals , Mobius Crystals


Research in my group has mainly focused on one theme: transport phenomena (of electrons, vortices, charge density wave) in systems that have disorder and/or reduced dimensionality and/or topological constrain. Examples include confined geometries (e.g., films, slabs, wires, networks, Mobius strip), multilayers, aperiodic, and disordered media. We use MBE, AFM, CVT, and FIB techniques to find new phenomena experimentally, and we often collaborate with theoretical groups. Specific problems we are studying include: dynamics of superconducting vortices in disordered media; nonlinear threshold dynamics, collapse, avalanches, and instabilities in granular and superconducting systems; magnetic and thermal properties of high-TC materials; hole dynamics and other properties of quantum antiferromagnets; phonon and electron transport in quasicrystalline and other aperiodic systems; acoustic interference, phonon localization and universal transmission fluctuations; quantum fluctuations in solids; and quantum interference due to electron motion in magnetic fields in a variety of systems (including superconducting wire networks and Josephson junction arrays). Under certain circumstances, several of these apparently unrelated systems exhibit interesting complex nonlinear dynamics when driven to the threshold of instability.

Publications and invited talks

Full list of publications and invited talks


1. 特開2005-308653 電荷密度波量子位相顕微鏡及び電荷密度波量子干渉
2. 特開2005-308652 プローブ顕微鏡探針及びその製造方法並びにプローブ顕微鏡並びに針状体及びその製造方法並びに電子素子及びその製造方法
3. 特開2005-308651 走査プローブ顕微鏡およびその使用方法
4. 特開2004-359471 V族遷移金属ダイカルコゲナイド結晶からなるナノファイバー又はナノチューブ並びにその製造方法
5. 特開2004-175579 遷移金属カルコゲナイドのトポロジカル結晶体及びその形成方法
6. 特開2003-094399 多元素系酸化物のナノチューブ
7. 特開2002-255699 環状結晶体及びその製造方法

Formation of ring crystals S.Tanda,K.Sajiki,K.Yamaya,Y.Okajima,T.Tsuneta
No.09/939,450, US Patent 2001' Feb 28

5,289,171 Full-Text Color display apparatus
5,164,225 Full-Text Method of fabricating thin-film EL device
5,072,263 Full-Text Thin film EL device with protective film





Profile, C.V.





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